Talk to Tuffy Ocala About New Shoes for Your Vehicle
May 12, 2024
Custom wheels are one way that Ocala folks express themselves and personalize their vehicle. But they aren't as cheap and easy as sticking decals on your back window. There are several factors that need to be considered, including cost, the fit of the wheel, modifications that will have to be ma... More

Winter Tires
October 5, 2022
What type of technology do you use? Do you prefer an 8-track tape or an iPod? When it comes to winter tires, much of Ocala driver's perception dates back to when 8-track was the best way to listen to the Bee Gees.Twenty years ago in Florida, winter tires differed from highway tires only in their ... More

Nitrogen Fill For Tires in Ocala Florida
September 30, 2022
So, everyone in the Ocala Florida area knows how great helium is you know, party balloons, squeaky voices. But a lot of people around Ocala still haven't heard about the benefits of nitrogen in your tires, and how it can help your tires. Here's some great advice from AutoNetTV, brought to... More

Getting New Tires in Ocala?
September 17, 2022
There are so many tire choices in the Ocala area that selecting the right one can be a bit overwhelming for drivers. And even though it's kind of fun to have new tires on your vehicle, they're a significant investment for most Ocala area folks so you want do it right.Tip: talk with your friendly ... More

Tire Maintenance in Ocala
September 15, 2022
With the recent focus in the Ocala area on improving fuel economy, we've been told how important it is to maintain our tire pressure.Ocala drivers know that tires wear out, but we want to make them last as long as possible because they're not cheap to replace. In addition to saving gas, properly... More

Tuffy Ocala Tire Safety: Washington vs. Lincoln
September 8, 2022
Welcome to the Tuffy Ocala automotive blog. Today, let's talk about the effect of tire wear. Let's focus on stopping in wet Ocala conditions. In order for a tire to have good contact with the road, it has to move the water out of the way. If it can't move the water, the tire will actually ride ... More

Saving Lives in Ocala with Tire Pressure
September 7, 2022
All new passenger vehicles on our Ocala, Florida, roads now have tire pressure monitoring systems TPMS for short. They are designed to alert you if your tires are underinflated. Since they are fairly new, a lot of people have questions about them.First off, the most important thing is that you s... More

Tire Tread Depth for Ocala, Florida Drivers
September 5, 2022
Driving on bald tires is like playing roulette. Though you may be fine today, eventually your luck is going to run out.The Feds don't have any laws for tread depth, but 42 of the states, and all of Canada, do have regulations. They consider 2/32 of an inch to be the minimum legal tread depth. Tw... More

Wheel Balancing at Tuffy Ocala
August 23, 2022
So you love your job, and your family life is great. Congratulations! You have achieved balance. But can you say the same for your wheels? Ocala drivers can tell if their tires are out of balance by vibrations at higher speeds on Florida roads. If one of the front tires is out, you feel the vibr... More

Buying the Right Tires and Wheels in Ocala, Florida
August 17, 2022
Everyone in Ocala, Florida eventually replaces their tires, whether it's because they're worn out or they're just looking for something different. There are so many great tire choices in Ocala, it can be difficult to sort them out. Let's group the broad spectrum into several categories that will... More